To be successful in the West is to accept possession by its demons and monsters.
HSP 31: Working Class Hero
There is freedom and honesty at the bottom. A discussion of low-paid, unskilled labor as well as an update on the forthcoming HSP publication of The Home Depot, a collection of short stories by Peter Dahlstrand.
HSP 29: Change The World
Only a god can save us. Reflections on the burning cities.
HSP 27: Letter for Omar
Encouragement for the sick.
HSP 25: On Spontaneity
Some reflections on Chuang Tzu and Ludwig Wittgenstein, language and manual labor.
HSP 22: Paradise In Burma
The great Austrian explorer, dive master, and boat skipper Andreas discusses his new project — 10 years in the making — on a tiny island in the Burmese archipelago.
HSP 23: Naval Is Happy
A conversation on the happiness of Naval Ravikant, with Andreas of Austria.